December 2004 – LSI mobilizes LiDAR system and staff to Borneo Indonesia for large area survey in the rugged jungle regions of Eastern Kalimantan.
November 2004 – LSI awarded 190 mile transmission line rating/re-rating project in New Jersey USA.
November 2004 – LSI mobilizes LiDAR system and survey engineers to Ecuador.
October 2004 – LSI awarded transmission line thermal study and new route corridor in Southern Alberta.
October 2004 – LSI awarded new highway corridor LiDAR survey in Ecuador South America. The new road corridor is from the port city of Guayaquil to the capital city of Quito at 9200 feet above sea level.
September 2004 – LSI awarded transmission line new route corridor survey in Western Canada.
September 2004 – LSI completes Malaysian East Coast Highway and project extension LiDAR survey.
September 2004 – LSI President Tony Tubman and VP Art Silver travel to Ecuador for LiDAR presentation.
August 2004 – LSI’s Exocam external camera ball mount for Bell STC approval.
August 2004 – LSI completes Nelson River LiDAR survey, downstream of the Limestone Dam and Generating Station, Northern Manitoba.
August 2004 – LSI takes delivery of new airborne high res digital camera.
July 2004 – LSI awarded 450 sq. km. LiDAR seismic survey program in NE British Columbia.
July 2004 – LSI awarded 170 km long x 1 km wide Malaysian East Coast Highway expansion project.
July 2004 – LSI awarded 250 sq. km. LiDAR survey in Borneo Indonesia.
June 2004 – LSI awarded ground surface subsidence monitoring pilot project for major Canadian potash mine.
June 2004 – LSI awarded new transmission line route survey and existing transmission line rating project for Western Canadian utility.
June 2004 – LSI completes new transmission line route survey in Malaysia.
June 2004 – LSI moves into larger office space, doubling previous office size.
May 2004 – LSI HELIX modification for a Cessna 185/182 fixed wing aircraft scheduled for flight tests during the first week of June.
May 2004 – LSI completes development of an external camera ball mount for Bell 206B helicopter.
May 2004 – LSI awarded 480 linear km transmission line rating / re-rating project in central Canada for major utility.
May 2004 – LSI HELIX-2 system and support staff mobilized to Kuala Lampur Malaysia for a new transmission line route survey.
May 2004 – LSI successfully completes transmission line LiDAR survey in NE USA.
May 2004 – LSI in association with Wire Services/Manitoba Hydro will exhibit at the T&D World Expo Conference in Indianapolis May 24 – 27. Visit us at booth #1105.
April 2004 – LSI in association with WIRE Services/Manitoba Hydro was represented at the Western Governors’ Association North American Energy Summit in Albuquerque New Mexico.
April 2004 – LSI has been awarded a 250 linear km LiDAR transmission line rating and re-rating project in Alberta. Standard deliverables include forward video and high resolution digital orthorectified imagery of the transmission corridor. This is the second LiDAR project for this electrical utility, awarded under a general services contract that extends into 2005.
April 2004 – LSI in association with WIRE Services/Manitoba Hydro will have a booth at The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) annual conference in Seattle Washington. Visit us at booth #134.
April 2004 – LSI will be mobilizing the second HELIX LiDAR system to Malaysia for a 70 linear km long x .5 km wide new transmission line corridor survey. Following this project the system will be sent to Indonesia – Borneo for up to three coal mine expansion projects, similar to the 2003 LiDAR survey campaign into Indonesia.
March 2004 – LSI awarded a 148 linear km LiDAR survey over existing transmission lines in the NE USA. This project also involves the survey of a new route corridor running parallel to an existing transmission line. This is the first electrical utility project for LSI in the USA. Project mobilization will occur in April.
February 2004 – LSI awarded a very time critical and unique WINTER LiDAR thermal rating project on an existing electrical transmission line in Northern Alberta. The LiDAR survey will be done in conjunction with a conventional ground survey that will define the ground terrain model under the almost 2 feet of snow below the transmission lines. LSI will integrate the LiDAR derived wire catenary data with the ground survey terrain model so that a detailed thermal rating analysis can be performed by LSI’s utility engineering partner WIRE Services. Project mobilization will be at the end of February.