News 2008

 December 2008 – on behalf of the entire LSI team, we would like to thank our customers for making 2008 another record year and for making the outlook for 2009 even better.

November 2008LSI preparing to ship HELIX-3 LiDAR system and staff to Malaysia for 1800 sq. km. airborne survey north of Johor Baharu.

 October 2008LSI receives contract for Eastern Montana new transmission line corridor survey.

 October 2008LSI announces contract for new central Alberta water pipeline LiDAR project.

October 2008LSI awarded contract for LiDAR and imagery data collection over 9 Alberta municipalities.

October 2008LSI awarded contract for a new transmission line corridor route survey near Brooks Alberta.

 October 2008LSI awarded 200 km new transmission line route survey in NW Ontario.

  October 2008LSI awarded the Smith Creek Watershed LiDAR survey in Saskatchewan.

September 2008LSI awarded two new pipeline route corridors in northern Alberta.

September 2008LSI awarded LiDAR survey over 4 dams in Manitoba.

Data will be used for Emergency Preparedness Plans (EPP’s) and for MIKE-11 downstream studies.

September 2008LSI awarded new hydroelectric dam LiDAR survey in Saskatchewan.

September 2008LSI upgrades Riegl Q560 laser from 100,000 pulses/second to 240,000 pulses/second.

August 2008LSI awarded a 3rd new mountain resort LiDAR survey between Canmore and Calgary Alberta.

August 2008LSI awarded new pipeline LiDAR survey project north of Edmonton Alberta.

August 2008LSI awarded 450 sq km oil sands LiDAR project near Fort McMurray Alberta.

August 2008LSI receives Work Safe Alberta recognition of safety performance.

July 2008LSI completes LiDAR projects for UTS Energy and Areva Resources.

June 2008LSI announces large contract award for LiDAR and imagery data collection for 3 operational Potash Mines in Saskatchewan.  Data collected for ground subsidence modeling, DTM and ortho rectified imagery.

June 2008LSI awarded +300 km new highway LiDAR survey for Transport Quebec (MTQ).

June 2008LSI awarded Uranium Mine LiDAR survey in northern Saskatchewan.

June 2008LSI awarded additional 320 km LiDAR transmission line thermal rating study in southern Alberta.

June 2008LSI awarded a 900 sq. km. new oil sands mine LiDAR survey near Wabasca Alberta.

June 2008LSI completes a 2nd new mountain village LiDAR survey in Canmore Alberta.

June 2008LSI awarded LiDAR flood plain mapping project near The Pas Manitoba.

May 2008LSI completes LiDAR survey for a new high speed rail line in Malaysia that will connect to 3 major airports.

May 2008LSI awarded LiDAR contract for a new potash mine being developed east of Saskatoon Saskatchewan.

May 2008LSI awarded mapping project in Canmore Alberta for new mountain village development.

May 2008LSI awarded a total of 1000 km of new transmission line route surveys.  700 km in Sarawak and 300 km in Peninsula Malaysia.

May 2008 LSI awarded new pipeline route survey north of Edmonton Alberta.

May 2008LSI announces award of a 500 sq. km. new oil sands mine LiDAR survey 100 km north of Fort McMurray Alberta.

April 2008LSI awarded 500 km transmission line thermal rating study in Alberta.

April 2008 LSI awarded 170 km new transmission line route survey from Snow Lake to The Pas Manitoba.

March 2008LSI awarded 600 km transmission line thermal rating and vegetation management project.

February 2008LSI exhibits at PDAC 2008 mining show in Toronto.

January 2008LSI mobilizes aircraft and LiDAR system to the Dominican Republic for SNC Lavalin project.

January 2008LSI mobilizes LiDAR system and staff to Costa Rica for large transmission line thermal rating survey for I.C.E.

January 2008 LSI receives Certificate of Recognition (COR) from Enform, meeting Alberta Oil & Gas industry approved standards for Health and Safety.

News 2007

December 2007 – on behalf of the entire  LSI team, we would like to thank our customers for making 2007 a record year and for making the outlook for 2008 even better.

November 2007 – LSI in association with WIRE Services exhibit at IEEE CONCAPAN tradeshow in Panama.

November 2007 – LSI awarded extensive transmission line rating and new route surveys in the Edmonton area of Alberta.

October 2007 – LSI awarded 930 sq. km. LiDAR project to support Emergency Preparedness Plans (EPPs) for a number of existing dams in Central Canada.

October 2007 – LSI awarded new pipeline LiDAR and imagery project in northern Alberta.

October 2007 – LSI awarded 800 sq. km. LiDAR survey for an existing hydroelectric dam safety program.

  September 2007 – LSI completes the Kwoiek Creek new TL route survey near Merritt BC.

 September 2007 – LSI awarded new railway relocation LiDAR survey in Alberta.

September 2007 – LSI completes the Bucko Lake Mine topographic survey in Northern Manitoba.

September 2007 – LSI mobilizes aircraft for a  2200 sq. km. LiDAR survey for a major oil company.

August 2007 – LSI awarded 8 new water pipeline route surveys in Central Alberta.

August 2007 – LSI awarded the LiDAR survey for the Orphan Mine tailings volume and dam site determination project in Northern Manitoba.

August 2007 – LSI prepares to mobilize to Pelican Narrows Saskatchewan for as-built transmission line survey.

August 2007 – LSI completes transmission line rating survey west of Edmonton.

July 2007 – LSI completes 3 highway corridor projects in Alberta.

July 2007 – LSI flies the Glacier-Howser new transmission line route in British Columbia.

June 2007 – LSI mobilizes staff and LiDAR system to the Dominican Republic.

June 2007 – LSI completes Manitoba transmission line rating and new route corridor survey.

June 2007 – LSI VP Art Silver travels to Costa Rica for LiDAR services contract signing.

May 2007 – LSI takes delivery of 200,000 pulse/second digital waveform Laser for LSI’s 4th LiDAR system.

May 2007 – LSI completes Alberta transmission line rating project.

May 2007 – LSI awarded LiDAR project in the Dominican Republic for Barrick Gold Corporation.

April 2007 – LSI awarded 490 linear km transmission line thermal rating LiDAR survey in Alberta.

April 2007 – LSI awarded 544 linear km transmission line rating project in Central Canada.

April 2007 – LSI awarded Glacier – Howser new transmission line LiDAR survey in British Columbia.

March 2007 – LSI awarded the 600 sq. km. Assiniboine River Valley Flood Plain mapping project.

January 2007 – LSI purchases a second LMS-Q560 digital wave form, 200,000 pulses per second laser from Riegl.

News 2006

December 2006 – LSI announces completion of projects in Indonesia and Arizona. LSI thanks all customers for another great year!

 November 2006LSI mobilizes LiDAR system to Kalimantan, Indonesia for 20,000 ha coal mine expansion survey.

 November 2006 – LSI awarded 400 linear mile transmission line rating in Arizona, USA.

 October 2006 – LSI awarded the 815 sq. km. South Pembina River Watershed LiDAR survey covering areas of Manitoba and North Dakota.  LSI will use the HELIX-3 digital waveform laser for this project.

October 2006 – LSI mobilizes for a new transmission line route survey in Vermont, USA.

September 2006LSI awarded the Watson Creek new transmission line LiDAR survey near Hinton Alberta.

September 2006LSI mobilizes LiDAR system for additional work on the Alberta to Montana new transmission line.

September 2006 LSI awarded an 1800 sq. km. 3-D seismic LiDAR project in northern Alberta for a major oil company.  The project will be done using LSI’s HELIX-3 digital waveform LiDAR system installed in a fixed wing twin engine aircraft.

August 2006 – LSI completes LiDAR project for Husky Energy in Alberta.

August 2006 – LSI awarded new highway corridor survey for Saskatchewan Department of Highways.

August 2006 – LSI awarded 250 sq. km. LiDAR survey over 4 new uranium mine sites in Northern Saskatchewan.

August 2006 – LSI awarded 800 km transmission line rating survey in Costa Rica.

July 2006 – LSI completes eastern Canada transmission line LiDAR survey.

July 2006 – LSI completes 180 linear km transmission line rating project in Alberta.

June 2006LSI awarded project extension to 2005 transmission line new route survey in Western Canada.

June 2006 – LSI awarded contract to collect LiDAR data for the construction of the NE Calgary ring road.

June 2006 – LSI awarded 700 km existing electrical transmission line LiDAR survey in Nova Scotia.

June 2006LSI begins work on 450 linear km transmission line rating project located in Alberta.

May 2006LSI awarded 1000 sq. km. flood plain mapping project in central Canada.

May 2006LSI completes 600 km ground surface subsidence mapping project for Canadian Potash mine.

May 2006LSI ships the HELIX-2 LiDAR system to Malaysia for new highway survey and railway expansion.

May 2006LSI completes 70 sq. km. South Tobacco Creek Watershed LiDAR project.

April 2006LSI completes forestry related pilot project out of Prince George British Columbia.

March 2006 LSI awarded 400 linear km of 115 kV and 230kV transmission lines for rating project including 90 km of 66kV distribution lines.

January 2006LSI awarded 260 km existing transmission line rating/re-rating contract.

News 2005

December 2005LSI completes LiDAR survey for a new gas pipeline route in Southern Alberta.

December 2005LSI completes LiDAR survey for a new 

November 2005LSI completes Northern Lights Mine site LiDAR survey.

November 2005LSI maps new highway corridor in northern Saskatchewan.

 November 2005LSI awarded first ever cross border new transmission line LiDAR survey from Montana to Alberta.

November 2005LSI receives contract for new transmission line route survey in Manitoba.

  October 2005LSI awarded 725 km new transmission line route survey located in Western Canada.

  October 2005LSI receives contract for 380 km existing transmission line rating and vegetation control survey.

 October 2005LSI awarded new transmission line route survey for southern Alberta wind farm.

 October 2005LSI awarded 180 km existing 240 kV transmission line rating/re-rating survey.

October 2005LSI takes delivery of Riegl LMS-Q560 digital wave form scanning laser.

October 2005LSI awarded 200 sq km new oil sands site survey north of Fort McMurray Alberta.

September 2005LSI and Manitoba Hydro / WIRE Services sign 5 year contract extension.

September 2005LSI awarded transmission line rating/re-rating project in Wisconsin.

August 2005LSI successfully completes mine site, processing plant and pipeline survey in Madagascar.

August 2005 – LSI completes new transmission line route survey in the Fort McMurray area of Alberta.

July 2005LSI performs simultaneous LiDAR projects on 3 continents – North America, Africa, Asia.

July 2005LSI awarded 720 linear km riverbank and mud flat survey on the Nelson River, Manitoba.

July 2005LSI awarded 450 linear km new transmission line LiDAR route survey in Northern Ontario.

July 2005LSI receives Transport Canada STC for HELIX installation into a Cessna 185F fixed wing aircraft.

June 2005 LSI awarded two large highway corridor projects in Malaysia. LSI’s HELIX-2 system and staff will be mobilized at the end of June.

June 2005LSI completes 207 sq. km. LiDAR survey in north central Alberta for Calgary based oil company.

June 2005 LSI President Tony Tubman speaks at the Petroleum Industry Training Centre to pipeline delegation from Russia.

June 2005LSI awarded new Mine Site survey in Madagascar. Project includes 90 sq. km. plant and tailings area, 56 sq. km. mine site, 195 linear km. pipeline route, and 20 linear km of new roads.

June 2005LSI is the first North American LiDAR company to purchase the revolutionary Riegl LMS-Q560 high altitude digital wave form laser scanner. Features include digital wave form analysis of unlimited target returns, 100,000 Hz laser rep rate, 66,000 Hz effective rate, 0.5 mrad beam divergence.

May 2005LSI awarded 29,500 ha forestry LiDAR mapping project along the Eastern Slopes of the Rocky Mountains.

May 2005 – LSI awarded 124 sq. km. LiDAR topographic survey for new Canadian diamond mine.

May 2005LSI awarded LiDAR ground surface subsidence modeling project above a large underground Potash mine in Saskatchewan. Surface mine tailings areas will also be flown for volume determination.

May 2005LSI Cessna 185F completes flight test program.

April 2005LSI in association with WIRE Services will be exhibiting at NATD – Transmission/Distribution Conference Toronto, May 9, 10 11/05. Visit us at booth #301.

April 2005LSI awarded 620 linear km transmission line rating and re-rating survey for Manitoba Hydro.

April 2005 LSI completes 95 linear km transmission line rating survey west of Edmonton Alberta.

April 2005LSI awarded 125 sq. km LiDAR seismic program north of Grande Cache Alberta.

April 2005LSI awarded additional transmission line routing and new electrical substation topographic survey in Southern Alberta.

April 2005LSI EXOCAM helicopter external camera ball mount receives FAA approval.

March 2005LSI awarded 75 linear km, pipeline corridor route in Southern Alberta.

March 2005 LSI awarded additional 225 linear km of high voltage transmission lines to be surveyed in Western Canada.

March 2005LSI invited to present at the Ecuadorian Military Geographic Institute (IGM) 77th Annual General Meeting in Quito.

February 2005LSI completes transmission line LiDAR survey and imagery project for the City of Lethbridge.

February 2005LSI completes the purchase of a new airborne scanning laser for LSI’s 3rd LiDAR system due mid 2005.

February 2005LSI awarded 214 linear km, new highway route survey in Malaysia. System mobilization will be in April/05.

January 2005LSI awarded 240 km transmission line rating survey for large western Canadian electrical utility.

January 2005LSI in association with WIRE Services/Manitoba Hydro will be attending the Distributech Conference & Exhibition in San Diego California January 25 – 27. Come visit us at Booth 2135.

News 2004

December 2004 LSI mobilizes LiDAR system and staff to Borneo Indonesia for large area survey in the rugged jungle regions of Eastern Kalimantan.

November 2004LSI awarded 190 mile transmission line rating/re-rating project in New Jersey USA.

 November 2004 LSI mobilizes LiDAR system and survey engineers to Ecuador.

October 2004LSI awarded transmission line thermal study and new route corridor in Southern Alberta.

October 2004 LSI awarded new highway corridor LiDAR survey in Ecuador South America. The new road corridor is from the port city of Guayaquil to the capital city of Quito at 9200 feet above sea level.

September 2004LSI awarded transmission line new route corridor survey in Western Canada.

September 2004LSI completes Malaysian East Coast Highway and project extension LiDAR survey.

September 2004 LSI President Tony Tubman and VP Art Silver travel to Ecuador for LiDAR presentation.

August 2004 LSI’s Exocam external camera ball mount for Bell STC approval.

August 2004LSI completes Nelson River LiDAR survey, downstream of the Limestone Dam and Generating Station, Northern Manitoba.

August 2004LSI takes delivery of new airborne high res digital camera.

July 2004LSI awarded 450 sq. km. LiDAR seismic survey program in NE British Columbia.

July 2004LSI awarded 170 km long x 1 km wide Malaysian East Coast Highway expansion project.

 July 2004LSI awarded 250 sq. km. LiDAR survey in Borneo Indonesia.

June 2004LSI awarded ground surface subsidence monitoring pilot project for major Canadian potash mine.

June 2004LSI awarded new transmission line route survey and existing transmission line rating project for Western Canadian utility.

June 2004LSI completes new transmission line route survey in Malaysia.

 June 2004LSI moves into larger office space, doubling previous office size.

 May 2004LSI HELIX modification for a Cessna 185/182 fixed wing aircraft scheduled for flight tests during the first week of June.

 May 2004LSI completes development of an external camera ball mount for Bell 206B helicopter.

May 2004 LSI awarded 480 linear km transmission line rating / re-rating project in central Canada for major utility.

 May 2004LSI HELIX-2 system and support staff mobilized to Kuala Lampur Malaysia for a new transmission line route survey.

 May 2004LSI successfully completes transmission line LiDAR survey in NE USA.

 May 2004LSI in association with Wire Services/Manitoba Hydro will exhibit at the T&D World Expo Conference in Indianapolis May 24 – 27. Visit us at booth #1105.

 April 2004 LSI in association with WIRE Services/Manitoba Hydro was represented at the Western Governors’ Association North American Energy Summit in Albuquerque New Mexico.

 April 2004LSI has been awarded a 250 linear km LiDAR transmission line rating and re-rating project in Alberta. Standard deliverables include forward video and high resolution digital orthorectified imagery of the transmission corridor. This is the second LiDAR project for this electrical utility, awarded under a general services contract that extends into 2005.

 April 2004LSI in association with WIRE Services/Manitoba Hydro will have a booth at The Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) annual conference in Seattle Washington. Visit us at booth #134.

April 2004LSI will be mobilizing the second HELIX LiDAR system to Malaysia for a 70 linear km long x .5 km wide new transmission line corridor survey. Following this project the system will be sent to Indonesia – Borneo for up to three coal mine expansion projects, similar to the 2003 LiDAR survey campaign into Indonesia.

March 2004 LSI awarded a 148 linear km LiDAR survey over existing transmission lines in the NE USA. This project also involves the survey of a new route corridor running parallel to an existing transmission line. This is the first electrical utility project for LSI in the USA. Project mobilization will occur in April.

February 2004LSI awarded a very time critical and unique WINTER LiDAR thermal rating project on an existing electrical transmission line in Northern Alberta. The LiDAR survey will be done in conjunction with a conventional ground survey that will define the ground terrain model under the almost 2 feet of snow below the transmission lines. LSI will integrate the LiDAR derived wire catenary data with the ground survey terrain model so that a detailed thermal rating analysis can be performed by LSI’s utility engineering partner WIRE Services. Project mobilization will be at the end of February.

News 2003

 December 2003 – On behalf of the entire LSI team, we would like to thank our current, past and future customers for making 2003 a record year and for making the outlook for 2004 even better. Thank you.

November 2003LSI completes 1100 linear km transmission line survey in Western Canada, one of the largest transmission line LiDAR surveys ever done in North America.

October 2003 LSI successfully completes 202 linear km LiDAR transmission line survey in Labrador.

October 2003LSI awarded 1100 linear km existing transmission line LiDAR survey for large western Canadian electrical utility.

October 2003LSI completes 314 sq. km. coal mine expansion LiDAR survey in the jungles of Borneo, Indonesia.

September 2003LSI completes 3 LiDAR projects for 3 major oil companies in very remote areas of the Mackenzie Delta N.W.T., approximately 180 miles north of the Arctic Circle.

September 2003LSI awarded 202 linear km electrical transmission line LiDAR survey based out of Churchill Falls Labrador.

September 2003LSI survey team and second HELIX LiDAR system mobilized to Asia for projects in Malaysia and Indonesia.

September 2003LSI completes 1400 linear km forestry biomass LiDAR survey in the Yukon/N.W.T. flying from Inuvik to Dawson City and return.

August 2003LSI completes 60 sq. km. project for Alberta forest company. A total of 3 new road sites and 4 cut block areas surveyed.

August 2003LSI awarded 3 LiDAR survey projects north of 69 Deg Latitude for 3 different oil companies.

August 2003LSI mobilizes HELIX system and survey crew to Inuvik N.W.T.

August 2003LSI mobilizes second HELIX system and survey crew to Asia.

July 2003LSI completes high accuracy, high definition rock outcrop survey in NE British Columbia for international oil company.

July 2003 LSI completes 150 sq. km new hydroelectric dam site survey in a single day flying at 600 m AGL.

June 2003LSI completes 440 linear km new transmission line route survey in Alberta.

June 2003LSI takes delivery of a new IMU (inertial measurement unit) for integration into the next generation HELIX system.

May 2003LSI completes 147 linear km new electrical transmission route survey to provide high accuracy DEM for tower placement.

May 2003 LSI completes 1112 linear km survey of electrical transmission lines for rating and re-rating analysis. Project completed in 7 days.

May 2003 LSI awarded 150 sq. km LiDAR and digital imagery project over proposed new hydroelectric dam site.

April 2003LSI secures contract with a major petroleum company for high accuracy LiDAR survey in N.E. British Columbia. Survey is scheduled for July 2003.

March 2003LSI awarded LiDAR road survey and image orthorectification project in Malaysia. HELIX mobilization scheduled for 3rd week of June 2003.

January 2003LSI launches second LiDAR system called HELIX-FT (Fast Track). This system was designed specifically for use in harsh environment LiDAR data collection projects. The system is currently working on a large winter seismic project in northern British Columbia, Canada.

News 2002

December 2002LSI secures contract for 1400 linear km biomass survey to be flow from Dawson City Yukon to Inuvik NWT scheduled for July 2003.

November 2002LSI completes 350 km new transmission line route survey.

November 2002LSI completes 565 linear km survey of existing high power electrical transmission lines.

October 2002LSI completes 897 linear km forestry biomass survey.

October 2002LSI completes LiDAR survey of uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan.